A Heart Full of Gratitude


The past few months have been rough. The months leading up to Blythe's birth we had so many friends experiencing grief and loss. And it was hard. Loss of relationships, personal suffering and absolute pain. We wept with friends, questioned why so many horrid things were happening to those that we love and wondered why God allows these types of things to happen. Being an adult can be trying, although there are seasons of great joy as well. At times, we had a hard time being positive and questioned lots of things. It was a very difficult season but it provided us a chance to really live life with so many that we love and we experienced a lot of growth.

In those times, it's often hard to stay positive and to always believe that God is truly in control and knows what he is doing. But today I have a heart full of gratitude. Today, God has given me the grace to see his hand at work. Today, I am trusting that He is in control and I am thankful that I can rest assured He knows what is best for me. I am thankful for seasons for growth and also for seasons of joy. God is so good and He continues to richly bless our little family.

Reason #1 I'm Grateful

Currey is a fabulous man! I am cherished and loved and he lets me know it every day! I can not imagine life without him. He works incredibly hard so that I am able to stay home and I am so thankful. He is a precious man and I absolutely adore him.

Reason #2 I'm grateful

Being Blythe's mommy is a joy! I enjoyed celebrating my first Mother's Day. I still can't believe that we have a precious baby girl. God is so good and we are amazed at his goodness. We are thankful for all the seasons we get to experience and I celebrate today that God has given us the grace to see the good in all circumstances.


Celeste Castro said...

Hey sweet JJ, Happy Late Mother's Day! Even though we don't talk as often as we should, always know you are such a beautiful women, and you inspire me! Your post is just what I needed tonight! Hugs, Ces!