2 Months Old!


So my last post was a month ago celebrating Blythe's first month. I've never been a great blogger but adding a baby into the mix has not helped! :) Thankfully we are finding our groove as a family so I hope to be more frequent with my posts. First, a shout out to Currey as today is his birthday. That will get it's own post later on. For now, a look at Blythe's 2nd month of life!

Just like last month she had many more firsts this month. They included:

  • Hearing her Daddy preach his first sermon. I'm sure that she loved it!
  • She celebrated her first Easter. (That will also get it's own post! Rick and Shelly came to meet Blythe and it was a great trip)
  • For Easter, Blythe got a playmate. It's a new favorite and keeps her entertained for awhile.
  • She has started to smile and nothing melts our hearts more! She is still an incredibly happy girl.
  • Blythe has also started cooing more. She is quite the talker which is incredibly fun.
  • She slept through the night which was very scary the first time! Waking up at 6 am and realizing we hadn't been up all night was unsettling. Although it was sporadic at first, she is now sleeping through the night every night. Sleep is such a blessing and something that I appreciate much more than I knew was possible.
  • She had her 2 month check up. She's growing like crazy! She's 24 1/2 inches long and 11 lbs. 6 oz.
  • This also meant she got her first shots. I'm sure that it was much more traumatic for me than her. Currey came with us so that he could hold her while she got them. I can't see a needle without freaking out!
  • She is still in size 1 diapers. She is growing out of some of her 3 month clothes and wearing bulkier cloth diapers does not help!

Sweet Blythe,
You bring us more joy than you can ever know. We love being your Mommy and Daddy! We treasure your sweet smiles and love hearing you talk to us. We look forward to the next months and years as we create more memories. You are a sweet blessing and we are crazy about you!
Momma and Daddy