Finally Blogging!


I have been wanting to join the blogging world for some time now because I love reading so many of my friends blogs.  Even though we are so far away it seems like I'm much closer as I get to read about the everyday details of their lives.  But here was my issue.  I feel that we are pretty boring.  Life often seems kind of mundane.  Lots of my friends blog about their children of which we have none or some great hobby or skill that they have.

And then I had a great idea!  I come from a family full of hospitality. Once Currey and I became a family of our own we began hosting dinners in our tiny apartment.  There is nothing as fun as cooking a big meal to share with family and friends.  Currey's sweet friends have been my guinea pigs as I've had messes and successes.  We continue to create any excuse to have people over and we have developed a love of cooking.  I love trying new recipes and making them my own creation.  

The plan is that this would be a place to share our lives through the food we cook.  I can't guarantee that every post will include a recipe and I'm sure their will be random updates but I figured that I can share all my great recipes with the world through a blog.  (So maybe it will only be Kaki and Smithee reading but that's fine with me!) 

So in honor of breakfast (our favorite meal!) I've included a Blueberry White Chocolate Biscotti recipe.

Blueberry White Chocolate Biscotti
1 package of blueberry muffin mix with can of blueberries
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs, beaten
1  1/2 cups white chocolate morsels

Combine muffin mix, flour, butter and eggs in a large bowl until combined.  Fold in the morsels.  Next fold in the blueberries.  You may need to flour your hands as the dough is very sticky.  Half the dough and form 2 foot long rolls.  Place the rolls on a greased cookie sheet and pat each roll down so that it is 2 inches wide.  
Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown.  Let cool and then cut each roll in 1 inch slices.  Turn each slice on it's side and then bake for 8-10 minutes.  Flip all the pieces and bake for another 6-8 minutes.  Be careful not to burn them.  Once cool store them in an air tight container.  Can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.  
Great with a morning cup of coffee!   


Anonymous said...

All I'm saying is its about time!! Love the concept and can't wait to keep up with the Blandfords!

Unknown said...

This is interesting. I hear alot about blogs, but I haven't ever read one. I look forward to future editions. J

jenniferrush said...

Love it, love it, love it! I think this is such a cute idea...and I think I am going to try this recipe this week. And to say you come from a family of hospitality is a major understatement. You come from like the most hospitable (I might have mispelled that) family in America, perhaps the world. Miss you!