Your Grace is Enough


So I've been putting off blogging about all the work stuff because there has been too much raw emotion and I have been unable to calm my mind long enough to write this post.  But it's way over due.

When the cuts were announced I had such a peace which is NOT me.  Work had been stressful since the spring and I have not handled the stress well.  This was proven by the fact that all the stress had resulted in a relapse of my mono and a funky rhythm with my heart.  I've had blood drawn, had an EKG, an echo cardiogram and worn a heart monitor twice now.  There is no explanation for all my health stuff except stress.  And it was also clear that someone with so much stress who was feeling at peace must be feeling it from somewhere else. 

For the whole week I had the chorus of Your Grace is Enough running through my head.  It simply says "Your grace is enough.  Your grace is enough.  Your grace is enough for me."  I had to completely believe that His grace would be enough to pull me through.  And it was.  Thursday we found out that not only was our program saved but God handled it in a way that I could not have even imagined.  It was such an affirmation to me of His love and care for His children.  I also recognize that God could have taken my job and it would not have changed the fact that I am deeply loved.  I try to live in obedience, knowing that God is sovereign, and continue to be amazed at the way he chooses to bless Currey and I.

As a team we are still reeling from the aftermath.  We are getting new leadership and although it is really good, there are still growing pains that accompany any change.   I am excited about where things are headed and I am again joyful about going to my job every day.

As an extra special treat we sang Your Grace is Enough at Church on Sunday and I knew without a doubt that it was.