New Job


So I am officially employed again and we continued to be amazed at the goodness of God. I was able to get 2 full weeks of great rest and relaxation. I was not planning on taking a break but God knew how badly I needed one.

I enjoyed the rest of the week with Currey. Lots of meals together and time with friends. We were able to run errands and do little things around the house like laundry that had piled up. This last week I was able to spend with my mom. It is always such a treat to spend time with her! We cleaned the apartment, shopped a lot, ate great meals, cooked, talked and laughed. She helped me put together a great new wardrobe as I have to really dress up for my new position. It was sad that she had to leave but we are already looking forward to her next visit! And hopefully my dad gets to come too!

The trip was made even sweeter as the day before she came I was offered a position as a foster care worker. I am really excited to be working for the agency and really believe in the work that they are doing. I started today and it was a treat. I was greeted with donuts and spent the day meeting and reading. I'm looking forward to a new chapter of life in social services. There is a lot to learn but I think I am really going to enjoy the team. Looking forward to a new adventure!


Celeste Castro said...

Yeah for new jobs! lol, I didn't even think about people thinking that about my last post, lol! Just know friend when the day comes you will most certainly not be finding out by my Blog, that will be an exciting phone call. Hope work for week went well. Miss you, and yes we do need to plan our vacation we always taked about!