Visitors From Texas


This post is a little overdue but I'm recovering from a stomach bug so better late than never.  

Last weekend Currey's sister Caley and her boyfriend John came to visit.  Their trip was a whirlwind as we tried to pack everything Chicago into 3 days but we loved every minute of it. 
We picked them up at the airport and headed straight to the city.  We had lunch at our favorite Chinese spot in our old neighborhood.  We headed downtown and went to Millennium Park and walked around seeing all the sites of the city.  And of course there was a little shopping as well.  We tried to do pizza that night but in the freezing weather an outdoor 2 hour wait was not possible so we headed to a local Italian place.  Ryan met us and after dinner we went to see Victor as well.  We headed home but on the way we picked up s'more stuff.  Two nights while they were here we made a fire and Caley and I made s'mores.  So fun!!!

Sunday we headed to church and then to one of our favorite lunch spots.  We took Caley and John to IKEA and we ended up spending about 2 hours there.  We loved every minute and got some really great stuff to decorate with  for Thanksgiving.  We then headed to small group which is always a treat.  
Monday we slept in and then headed to Lincoln Park Zoo.  It's a beautiful zoo where you get to get up close to the animals.  Best of all it's free!  This is John with a Tiger.  It was so cool to see all the animals!

We had lunch at Giordano's and enjoyed the pizza as always.  The leaves are turning colors and we enjoyed getting to see all the different shades.  It is such a beautiful time of year!

We finished the day with shopping and going to see Currey at SLAM which is always an adventure.  It was a great trip and we loved getting to spend time with them both.  As always, we loved the company and we always welcome visitors!