He Passed!!!


We got incredibly exciting news yesterday. Currey passed his comp exam which means that he will get his theology degree. It is a huge answer to prayer. I knew that he could do it but it is so nice to know that this obstacle is behind us.

Currey has made lots of sacrifices to get to this point. He has spent countless hours studying, has held a full time job with insane hours, has made sure to do things around the house, been a part of a weekly ministry and been a phenomenal husband. I'm amazed that he manages it all so well.

Currey, I am so incredibly proud of you! Your hard work has paid off and I could not be more proud. I look forward to see what else is in store for us.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Currey! How exciting and what a relief to have that behind ya'll! And Moose is too cute! (its such a great name!) How fun to have a puppy! I look forward to the many adventures with him! So glad ya'll are doing well and I hope ya'll have a Happy Thanksgiving! Amarillo just isn't the same without ya'll here!!

Kyle Smith said...

Congrats Currey! Isn't it great to have that behind you?

I re-found your blog JJ and it's been good catching up with you, virtually-speaking. Your new puppy looks good.

I hope your holidays are well and that you enjoy the freezing cold weather and snow for us, at least a little bit.


Elinette said...

That's awesome!! We are so happy for both you and Currey. And can't wait to hear and see what the Lord has in store now for you both in ministry.

Send our love to him from both Brad and I. Are you sure he doesn't want to start a church in Houston??? hehe

Rich said...

Way to go Currey. Cathey and I know how hard you've worked to get this challenging degree...can't believe you'll have a SECOND Masters at the end of this semester.
We are incredibly proud of you. We put ourselves thru the last three years of college, so we fully understand all of the sacrifice needed to make this happen.
We love you both.
Rich and Cathey