The Year in Review


I can't believe that it's already 2010! This year will be huge for us as we await the arrival of our sweet baby girl but before we look forward I thought that it would be fun look back at all 2009 held for our little family. This is bound to be a lengthy post, but we have been talking a lot recently about reflecting on God's goodness in our lives. Looking back at the milestones of the last year we can see God's hand in our lives guiding and directing each step along the way.

January was a big month for us as we decided that we would be staying in Illinois and moving into a greater role within the church we had been attending for a year and a half. We were leading a small group with our best buddies, Devin and Andrea, and spent a lot of time celebrating life with the sweet friends Life Church has brought us.

Moose also had leg surgery that month. We realize that we are insane for paying for surgery for our dog but it was the best choice for us and he is a much healthier and happier puppy.

In February I decided to leave my job without having a plan as to where I would begin working. It was a season were our faith was grown and we trusted in the Lord's provision. It was a scary experience but we are so glad that is the decision that we made. I was able to begin my current job after getting 2 weeks off, one to enjoy with Currey while he was on Spring Break and the following with my mom. It was a blast and a precious time of rest and restoration for me.

At Easter, my brother Jeffrey came for a visit. I love his visits! I love that he and Currey love to be together and we make precious memories and have interesting adventures with each visit. This year he got to be a part of our Seder Supper at church.

May held several milestones for us, the most significant being Currey's graduation from Wheaton. He worked ridiculously hard for 3 years for both of his degrees and it was such a treat to celebrate that accomplishment with friends and family!

Another event for us was Currey being the guest speaker at the All Church Retreat for the youth. What no one else knew at the time was that we would be taking over as the youth pastors at Life Church. We had a summer full of fun events and loved growing in relationships with all the students in the youth group.

In July we celebrated 4 years of wedded bliss. At our wonderful anniversary dinner, my sickness prompted the purchase of a pregnancy test. Our anniversary gift this year was finding out we were expecting our first child. Probably the most exciting anniversary gift that anyone could ever receive!

In August, we went to South Carolina to watch Kristine and Ryan get married. It was a wonderful vacation and such a special wedding to be a part of.

In September, Jeffrey and his girlfriend Megan came up for a visit. It was our first time to meet Megan and we had so much fun with them. We love Megan and enjoyed getting to explore Chicago with she and Jeffrey. (These pictures are from Megan's facebook. She takes great pictures and captured so many of the fun moments of the trip!) Jeffrey and Currey even tried chicken feet while were in Chinatown!

In October we found out that we would be having a baby girl! We were thrilled with the news and continue to anxiously await her arrival. We also went to Big Cedar Lodge with my parents. It was the most relaxing vacation that I remember being on and it was good to spend a week relaxing. (This trip will get it's own post SOON! As will November and December! I promise that they are coming!)

November was wonderful as we got to go home to have a baby shower and celebrate Thanksgiving with all of our family and friends. We were showered with sweet blessings for Blythe and enjoyed getting to spend time with our families. As always our time at home went by way to fast but we treasured each moment we were there.

December has flown by. We had a quiet Christmas just Currey and I and have enjoyed having my parents here for the past week. They have helped us get the nursery all put together and of course there will be a post coming soon revealing the finished project! What a great year we've had. We look forward to more adventures and life changes as we enter 2010.


Celeste Castro said...

JJ, What a beautiful year! I am so happy for you both, and the journey yall are taking together! How beautiful, and it truly is amazing what can happen in a year! Many, many more blessings, miss you friend!