Blythe's First Shower


I think this may be my last overdue post. While we were home for Thanksgiving our sweet Texas friends and family hosted a baby shower for us. We were beyond blessed (as the pictures will show!) Blythe has more clothes than she can ever wear but she will be the best dressed baby ever! Saturday night we had a mini shower with Jeffrey and his girlfriend Megan. If I haven't said it before, we LOVE Megan. Not only is she thrilled about our sweet baby girl, she is a great fit for Jeffrey. She is precious, thoughtful, and we have loved getting to know her. Some of my favorite outfits came from Megan. She wrapped each one separately so it was extra fun to unwrap!

Although this is not the most becoming picture I had to include it. It may be my absolute favorite! It's a monogrammed onsie and then there are matching pink fleece lined jeans. Precious does not even begin to describe this outfit!

Jeffrey got me this book. We read this whole series when we were little so it was extra special!

Margie hosted my shower. LOVE her! It was perfect!

Here's all the hostesses.

Mallory sat with me to write down all the gifts. We laughed A LOT! She flew in from California to be there with me.

Smithee was there from Portland. Another special treat!

Currey's Mom, Grandma, Sister and I

The blanket that Terri (Currey's mom) made Blythe

A precious bulletin board that Currey's sister, Caley, made

My Aunt Olivia, Mema, Me, Mom and Megan

Just me and mom

Like I said, Blythe will not want for a single thing! Everything wouldn't even fit in one picture. It took lots of help to get everything to Illinois. Thanks Mom and Dad and the Schroeders!

We have felt so incredibly loved during this season of our lives. The outpouring of those around us has honestly been overwhelming. And we still have an additional 2 showers! We are blessed beyond measure. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll post nursery pictures. The nursery is precious and totally girl! With all the pink we keep joking that the sonogram better be right!