Saving Money at the Grocery Store Part 2


So, is it really necessary that I start every post with an apology about how long it's been since the last one? If you read this regularly at all you know that I'm a sporadic writer. And I really don't know who reads this anyway. So maybe I'm apologizing to cyber space...which is ridiculous!

Moving on...This is the second installment of how to save money at the grocery store. We'll title it coupons. Now if you just rolled your eyes or are contemplating not reading further, please reconsider! I'm not a coupon maniac but by taking a little more time I regularly save $10-$25 on our groceries. Yes, in addition to what I'm already saving by shopping sales. This is how we are keeping our grocery budget in line.

I keep my coupons organized by month so I always look at what's about to expire. I shuffle through them all to see if there are coupons for anything I'm planing on buying that week. I also pull coupons for things that I saw on sale or for things that I might buy if we have excess grocery money after buying the necessities. I keep these coupons out and look through them at the store just to remind myself what I've got coupons for.

So where do these coupons come from? I periodically buy a Sunday paper. That is great for coupons for toiletries and household products. Also, I almost exclusively shop at Target for groceries. And their website has great coupons. I've also learned that most brands have coupons on their websites. Many brands even have email lists and periodically send high value coupons.

If you do decide to get a paper, cut the coupons that you think you will use. Then look at the circular for the store where you normally shop. Often times coupons are released the same week as a sale on the products featured. (Does that make sense? I hope you get what I'm trying to say.) You can save extra by using a coupon when the product is already on sale. So...I think that sums up couponing. I have an actual receipt and pictures from a recent trip to the store. I'm hoping that will help give you a better idea. Hope that helps! Happy Sunday!