7 Months

As always, this post is late!

It seems as though time is flying by faster and faster! Each month brings more milestones and is more fun than the last. Blythe is still the happiest baby around. She is super smiley and loves to be with people. She continues to easily go to anyone and loves all the attention that she often receives. So here's what we've been up to this month:

  • Blythe has started solids! I'll do a post about that soon. It's safe to say that she LOVES food! We have yet to give her something that she won't eat. She's not a fan of apples but even those she will tolerate.
  • We had some issues about her not gaining enough weight. Our doctor recommended that we double all of her solid foods. Blythe has started eating up! She loves variety and at our next weight check we were so excited to hear that she is back on track with weight gain.
  • We got to go to her first play this month as well. She got to see our friend Maddie in Charlotte's Web. Blythe sat still for the entire hour performance and watched the entire play. Like I said, she's a super easy baby!
  • Another BIG event was that I left Blythe overnight for the first time. I went on the Women's Retreat with church. She and Currey had a blast together and I enjoyed myself immensely! But I loved getting home and loving on Blythe.
  • Blythe is scooting like a champ! She will get up on her hands and knees and rock but then she flops down on her belly to army crawl. She is getting into everything!!!! It's so fun to watch her see something she wants and then scoot to it. She is one determined child.
  • She has also gotten to start BSF with me. I love knowing that she is already learning truths about scripture, is listening to hymns geared to babies and kind women are praying over her each week. It's such a sweet blessing that we get to spend time together each week at Bible Study Fellowship.

It continues to bring us such joy to watch you learn and grow. Your smiles are endless and your giggles are contagious. You love your world! You love Moose, especially when he wants to give you kisses. You take out your paci every morning after breakfast so you can get his kisses! Neither you or Moose agree with Mommy and Daddy that this kisses are a bad idea. You are easy going and always go with the flow. You bring us more joy than we could have ever imagine. We love you like crazy!
Mommy and Daddy