

Currey and I have been so blessed with great friends during different seasons of life. We both have dear childhood friends that we keep in contact with as well as friends we've kept up with since college. Since getting married, we've made couple friends, mentoring friends and work friends. While we are greatly blessed by all the friendships in our lives, there are those that absolutely have an extra special place in our hearts.

Two of those friends are Ryan and Krisitne. (Ryan, I stole this off your facebook! Thanks!)

They are friends that we have done A LOT of life with, including....


Time at Moody

And even celebrating holidays together

We have seen Ryan as part of our family since before we got married. We share priceless memories together. It's been a blast to watch he and Kristine fall in love and marry! Their love for the Lord and for one another is inspiring. Kristine is precious and we've enjoyed getting to know her over the past few years. We look forward to continuing to make memories with the Brandenbergers for years to come. They are the friends that even when you have not seen them in months (like 6 months, since their wedding!) you pick up right where you left off. Somehow minutes turn into hours and you aren't sure where the time went. The friends that when you leave them you feel encouraged and rejuvenated. They drove from Iowa to see us. They were hoping to meet Blythe but unfortunately she appears to be staying put for the time being. They took us out for dinner and ice cream to celebrate this exciting new phase of life we are entering. It was a sweet gift and a memorable evening with precious friends. We love you both and can't wait to see you again. Hopefully sooner than 6 months! Blythe won't be able to wait that long!


Celeste Castro said...

Hey JJ! I LOVE the new background, it's been one of my options many times before, so YES we are too much alike! Hope you're doing ok, thinging of you and Baby B!