Grow Baby Grow


One of the strangest things about being pregnant away from friends and family is that no one gets to watch my belly grow. We recently returned from vacation with my parents and it was so weird for them to see me. Currey and I have obviously watched my belly grow but my parents saw me for the first time at 22 weeks. So for the rest of you, here's what I look like these days. Please disregard the outfits and hair in these pictures! My original idea was to take a picture every 2 weeks but that has not worked out so well. We normally remember late at night so I'm not looking my best.

This was at 16 weeks
At this point in time our baby was as big as a lemon hence the lemon.

This was at 20 weeks

So there you have it! Baby is growing like crazy. More pictures and updates coming soon!


Celeste Castro said...

Oh friend, thanks for posting, so great getting to see you and your little princess doing so well! I can't believe your going to be a mommy, super excited and please keep them coming!