Laundry Detergent


I had been wanting to make my own detergent for some time and I found this recipe on another blog.  It can actually be seen here.

So here's how it goes:

1 cup washing soda (I use Arm & Hammer) 

1/2 cup borax (I use 20 Mule Team) 

1 bar soap (I used Dove because I like the smell and knew we wouldn't have a weird reaction to it) 

Approximately 3 gallons water

You’ll also need a storage container.  We just used a large tupperware with a lid.  I set aside some kitchen utensils for this project including a wooden spoon, a grater and a measuring cup.

Begin by putting about four cups of water in a pot and bring it to a boil.  Reduce it down to a simmer.   

While it’s heating up, take a bar of soap and grate it into some sort of container.

After taking this picture we realized that grating it over the boiling water made it melt and then we couldn't grate it. When the water is boiling, start putting in the soap. Just do a little at a time, waiting until each batch is dissolved.  

Stir the soapy water with a spoon until all of the soap is dissolved. In the end, you’ll have some very bubbly water.

Next, get out your large container and add three gallons of warm tap water to it. To this bucket add a cup of the washing soda and the soap solution you made and stir. once that is dissolved add the Borax.

After stirring, you’ll have a container full of :

The color of the detergent will vary depending on the shade of soap that you use. The soap needs to sit for 24 hours before use, preferably covered.  The soap can turn out many different ways.  It might be firm, like Jello; it might be very watery; it might even be like liquid laundry detergent. Just stir it up a bit and it’s ready to be used.  Ours came out very watery but it works great!  I decided to wait until I used it to post about it but we can't tell a difference at all.  I'll keep posting about our adventures of going green.  

I promise that there are farmer's market recipes to come!