It's really hard to believe that Blythe is 2! Where oh where has the time gone?!?!? Here's what our precious little one is up to these days:
She has recently started ballet. To say that she loves it is an understatement! We thought it would be a goofy little adventure but we have been amazed at the teaching. She is actually learning skills and loves interacting with other kids.
Blythe is my "mini-me" and I love it! It's amazing to me how she's all girl. She loves shoes, purses and necklaces. When I get ready in the morning, she sits in the bathroom with me. She has her own make up brush that she uses to put on "make-up". She asks for "lips" every morning. That's what she calls chap stick. She pulls it out of the bathroom drawer and has me put it on.
She also loves shoes!!! We've stopped making a big deal about her clothing choices (she's been wearing rain boots for 3 weeks) and she is developing her own sense of style. Blythe loves wearing Currey and I's shoes around the house and has an opinion about her clothing most days.
Blythe loves to read and sing. She loves Elmo and coloring. Blythe is very meticulous and loves to clean up while singing the "Clean-up" Song. We are seeing her desire for independence. She loves to do everything for herself and gets very irritated if anyone tries to assist her.
She loves to talk and her vocabulary has exploded since Christmas. She loves to use her manners! She says Please (peas) and thank you (tu-tu) without being prompted. She has lots of funny sayings too.
She's still a good eater. Currently, she loves to eat everything with a spoon. EVERYTHING. She has a funny sign for spoon where she rolls her hands together and she does it repeatedly until a spoon is provided. She also prefers to eat out of a bowl. We love her little personality quirks. She keeps us entertained to say the least!
When she gets up from nap she goes looking for Daddy. She always says "daddy, where are you?" and runs around looking for him. She's a Daddy's girl to the core and loves for Currey to chase her.
Precious Peanut,
We love you more than you will ever know. You bring us much joy!!! We love spending our days watching you grow and learn. You have taught us lots about life and love. Our lives will never be the same. We look forward to celebrating all your milestones big and small! You are a bigger blessing than we could have ever imagined. We love being your Mommy and Daddy!
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