Favorite Things Friday


So here's the second installment of Favorite things Friday! And as I'm about to start working in a cloth diapering store, I thought I'd share my current favorite diapering products!

My Itzy Ritzy Wet Bag

This is what I carry with me in the diaper bag to use for dirty diapers when we are on the go. I simply add them to the diaper pail when we get home. I'll admit that cloth diapering on the go intimidated me for awhile but now it's hard to believe I was ever scared by the challenge!

Hemp Products

My newest finds are Baby Kicks hemp and I'm OBSESSED!!! Hemp is much more trim in a prefold and I use hemp inserts in my pocket diapers for extra absorbancy. They are amazing and I'm sad I didn't discover the wonder of hemp sooner.

I also love the Baby Kicks Hemp Organic fitted diaper. It's on the very pricey side but it makes diapering an ease. I have one and hope to add a couple more as they are an amazing overnight diapering option. Another plus is that it's organic!

Thirsties covers

I use these covers with the hemp and it's a fantastic combo. We used these when she was a newborn and have fallen in love with them again after fixing a sizing issue we were having. I love the bright colors and the cute patterns. I also love that they come with snaps. We have snaps and velcro diapers and we've decided that we are a snap family!

and Of Course, the Cutest Cloth Diaper Wearer!

So there you have it! Enjoy your weekend!