Maternity Pictures


While on vacation with my parents in October (that post will be written one day!) my mom mentioned that a family friend was starting a photography business and would be doing pictures during Thanksgiving. Currey and I decided that we wanted to remember this season of life so we asked my mom to arrange for the pictures to be taken. Jennifer Jenkins is an Amarillo girl and we decided that I hadn't seen her since she was in middle school. It was crazy to see her in her element and all grown up but as the pictures show, she is really talented! Our Christmas card displays our favorite picture but here are some of the other ones that we love.

This one may be my favorite

We love all of the pictures because we feel like she really captured us.

My mom was able to come for the end of our session. I LOVE this picture of us!

We were SO pleased with her work! If you live in the Amarillo area or will be around at Christmas and are interested in pictures let me know and I'll get you her info. I'm working at being better at updating...we'll see how it goes!


MCB said...

JJ, these are the cutest pictures I've ever seen. I'm so happy for you both...and Blythe is a beautiful name!

Celeste Castro said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your sweet family pictures! You have the Mommy glow sweet friend! I hate I can't be closer, but your in my heart and thoughts everyday, love the stories, keep them coming!