Bedroom Make-over


 One of the more fun things that we did while my mom was here was add some life to the decor in our bedroom.  My mom has great ideas and we enjoy spending time looking for all the pieces to complete the project.  Last time she was here she helped with the rest of the house so it was fun to work on the room this time.  We knew it was drab but we didn't really realize until we were done.

Here is a before picture

And the after!  

We added great drapes, bedskirt and a floor lamp from Target.  We found the frames at Ikea that Currey did a great job putting together and covering with fabric.

Currey had another great idea as well which involved moving our computer from the bedroom to the living room.  We got a small desk to do beside the entertainment center and we love having the computer in here.

This left our big desk in the bedroom so that's where my sewing machine got to move to.  I love having all that space!

Thanks mom for all your help getting everything together!  We love, love, love the results.  Can't wait until your next trip!


jenniferrush said...

Love the bed room make-over. It looks so cute!