Where will they go?


Where will they go?  This is the question that I would like to ask Gov. Rod Blagojevich here in Illinois.  What does he plan on doing for all the people who receive services from the programs that he cuts?  I got very bad news yesterday (Thursday).  The governor has cut funding to the DASA program in the state of Illinois.  This program provides funding to all agencies that provide substance abuse services to adolescents in this state.  What that means to me is that if the Senate does not veto this budget by Wednesday (yes less than a week from now) I will no longer have a job effective that same Wednesday.  But that's not the worst part.  The Lord has always provided for us and Currey and I both have such a peace about the situation.  But where will my kids go?  They come to us because we are free.  We are safe place, where they can work at getting better.  It's a great place to be a client and to work, at least most days! :)  We have hundreds of clients as an agency that will no longer have a place to go.  And there are several other agencies throughout the state that will be impacted as well. 

So my heart breaks for all the kids that won't get services.  And for all the other clients at all the other agencies that will loose the people they trust and the people that they know care about them.  What a huge disservice to people that are already hurting.  What a mess....

Here's a link that discusses what's going on.  And the title is misleading.  The opening is that it's been reversed but then goes on to state only if supported by the Senate.  It does not look good.   


Unknown said...

Well, I know you'll land on your feet. I read the TV report, but it's still confusing to me. I'll certainly be paying attention to Illinois politics for the next week. I'll keep up with what's happening. Take care. J