Going Green - Our First Steps


We have really been challenged recently to "Go Green".  We read the books, searched online and talked to friends that are trying to live a greener life.  We've talked and talked and talked and talked.  What are the most important changes to make?  What are we willing to sacrifice?  Are we crazy?  Is this really possible?  And more importantly...do we care enough to change?  

This really all began through a conversation at church and talking about being a steward of all that the Lord has given us.  Doesn't that include the earth?  As strange as it may sound, this really got us thinking.  This lifestyle was not something we were familiar with but it seemed interesting.  I love the term "Going Green" because it implies a process.  So we started small by buying biodegradable bags to use for the dog's waste.  And then purchased the reusable bags for the groceries.  And then we started using the bags at Target or anywhere else we shop.  It's been baby steps.  

So now we are taking a bigger step.  We are going to try to work processed food from our diets.  The irony of this decision is that it was made after a trip to the newly opened Sonic.  Go figure.  So this morning we headed to the farmer's market and purchased a loaf of bread, apples, okra, green beans and new potatoes.  We don't have many meals to prepare this week and we also want to see how this works out.  We'll keep you posted!  If nothing else it should be an adventure!

Missing the City


I know it's crazy...2 posts in a row!  

Although we know that God wanted us in Wheaton, I miss living in Chicago a lot.  I miss public transportation, diversity, hole in the wall restaurants and there always being something to do.  I don't miss the traffic, no parking and being away from Currey due to all his commuting.  I think that this love of Chicago has increased as we believe that God is calling us to Austin after Currey graduates.  Back to Texas and closer to our families.  But that's a story for another day.   

Any chance we get to go to the city we take.  We recently had company and went to the Giordano's downtown.  We have eaten there countless times, made great memories and had lots of great conversations.  Last weekend Devin and Andrea asked us to come with them to a Costa Rican restaurant and then to a concert that they were playing.  It was a great night of enjoying the city and spending time with sweet friends.  The restaurant was outstanding and we enjoyed trying something new.  We got to sit outside which is my favorite way to eat in nice weather.

I could listen to Devin and Andrea sing and play together forever.  It was a really fun evening with a poetry reading, his mentor doing story telling and then Devin and Andrea playing.  I had really never been to anything like that before but I enjoyed it immensely! It was in a beautiful old church which was really cool.


The newest member of the family


I've not posted in awhile but a lot has been going on.  Most notably that we have adopted a second dog!  Her name is Gracie and she is a Shih Tzu.  We went to an adoption event not planning on finding a dog and we fell in love with Gracie.  We adopted her from a local rescue 10 days ago.  It's been an adventure!  She is 7, recently had a cornea transplant and was on several meds when we got her.   She gave us a major scare having 2 seizures a week ago but it appears that all is well now.  We laugh because we would fall for the dog with health problems but she really is precious.  Bentley has had a difficult time adjusting to her but they are doing better and better.  So without further adieu .....

Picking up Gracie to bring her home

Hanging out at home

Helping me Ebay

Her precious bowls and mat.  I LOVE Target!!!

The fam

I think she feels right at home!

Wedding Weekend


This weekend I was in a wedding of a friend that I met through Bible Study Fellowship.  It was a VERY full weekend and I'm quite sure that I was not that exhausted after my own wedding!  But the bride and groom got the wedding they had dreamed of which is what it's all about!  Here's some picutres.  (FYI - The quality changes because I finally broke down and bought a new digital camera.  I'd had the same one since I graduated from high school so it was WAY over due!  I LOVE it!)

On the Thursday before the wedding we had a breakfast and board game shower.  It was also Jessica's birthday which was fun to celebrate!

She made us all baseball t-shirts that were precious so we all wore them to breakfast.

The stages of set up at the reception site.  It was a major transformation!

Even the ketchup and mustard dressed up!

Getting ready and entertaining the hair stylist's baby @ 6 am

The bride

Jarot's Family FunDay


Our sweet friends the Jarot's are adopting a little girl from Vietnam.  2 weekends ago they had a huge event out at a farm to celebrate families.  It the whole thing was free but they took donations, had a silent auction and collected tips and the coffee bar and from the musicians.  It was such a fun day of celebration! 

The first 2 hours were carnival games for the kids. 


Currey and I were in charge of the bouncers.  

And Currey and some other Starbucks Folks put together a GREAT Iced Coffee Bar.

We had a great picnic dinner followed by Square Dancing.

The evening ended with a campfire and making s'mores.  It was a great time spent with friends.  We have been really encouraged by Nate and Lisa to be creative in our fundraising.  They have been a huge support to us and we can not wait to meet their baby girl!