We have really been challenged recently to "Go Green". We read the books, searched online and talked to friends that are trying to live a greener life. We've talked and talked and talked and talked. What are the most important changes to make? What are we willing to sacrifice? Are we crazy? Is this really possible? And more importantly...do we care enough to change?
This really all began through a conversation at church and talking about being a steward of all that the Lord has given us. Doesn't that include the earth? As strange as it may sound, this really got us thinking. This lifestyle was not something we were familiar with but it seemed interesting. I love the term "Going Green" because it implies a process. So we started small by buying biodegradable bags to use for the dog's waste. And then purchased the reusable bags for the groceries. And then we started using the bags at Target or anywhere else we shop. It's been baby steps.
So now we are taking a bigger step. We are going to try to work processed food from our diets. The irony of this decision is that it was made after a trip to the newly opened Sonic. Go figure. So this morning we headed to the farmer's market and purchased a loaf of bread, apples, okra, green beans and new potatoes. We don't have many meals to prepare this week and we also want to see how this works out. We'll keep you posted! If nothing else it should be an adventure!